Cheryl McNeil Fisher
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Cheryl is someone who knows about life's challenges. In study after study it has been shown that adjusting to blindness is one of the most difficult experiences we, as humans can go through. Beyond just getting by, in Cheryl we find someone who had good vision and a lucrative career, having to tap into inner and spiritual resources to not be stopped, when others well might give up.
Cheryl is the author of six children’s books, articles and essays. TIME CAPSULE, available in pre-release paperback, is her first memoir. A resident of the Hudson Valley area of NY. Her motivational and educational initiatives go beyond the northeast to a nation-wide outreach. Cheryl speaks to audiences about finding the strength to face setbacks, inspiring them to excel. She advocates for children and adults with a full spectrum of differently special traits, finding ways for everyone to enjoy a book. Her work also includes writing workshops. Participants learn to create their own story, finishing with a 12-page booklet, including front and back covers.