I have written a memoir with a beautiful lady who lives at the Montgomery Nursing Home.
Denice will soon be 95. She and the residents have been
quarantined and isolated for 6+ months.
Please consider purchasing a pre-release copy of Denice’s memoir called Time Capsule.
Her story will leave you wanting to know more about her beautiful life.
The cost is $10, which includes taxes & shipping.
Time Capsule is available via my new website at
As a special way to pass the love onto the muse of this work and perhaps relate to some of her life experiences, your book delivery will also include a card with an addressed and stamped envelope to Denice, to share your thoughts and wish her a Happy Birthday. She will be so happy to get your personal feedback!
Follow the link to my website to read a synopsis and purchase your book.
It will truly mean a lot to me, and even more to Denice.
Love from Cheryl
I received the highest review from her son:
“I need the Roget’s thesaurus to express my feelings of gratitude and
compliments of all the talents you possess.”